Friday, September 24, 2010

Telling on myself!

So, Logan and I were sitting at lunch today having a bit of yogurt when he got this crazy look in his eyes and suggested that we make frozen yogurt pops.  I loved his enthusiasm, so I dug around and found some craft sticks to insert through the lids of the Dora yogurt.  Then we put it in the freezer for a couple of hours.  I was surprised that they actually froze all the way through and was thrilled that the boys enjoyed them as much as they did.  Suddenly, I thought that Logan was quite the little genius, and I figured I should look into ivy leagues at this point...I took pictures of them so I could document the mensa moment (a little dramatic, I know) and was just excited that he had come up with this without any help.  I could not wait for Lyndon to get home and tell him about it.  Later in the afternoon, as I sat at the computer typing about this yogurt pop moment for the blog, Lyndon comes home to my exciting news, and he tells me that yes, he knows about the yogurt pops because that is what they are designed for.  I stared at him confused for a bit, and then he proceeds to tell me that the packages even come with the sticks.  Sure enough, right on the front of the box, in bold type, it gives instructions for how to make them.  In all fairness, when I grab yogurts, I just focus on the expiration dates. So, anyone could have missed that right??  Regardless, I still think Logan has genius potential, but he did not get it from me! Thank goodness Lyndon loves me and has just learned to role his eyes at my blonde moments (yes, that is what we will call them)!


  1. Okay, I can imagine doing something like that.
    They look tasty...I think I will try them with my kids.
