Thursday, October 28, 2010

Soccer and Swimming!

This past week was the last of Logan's soccer clinic, and they both have been promoted to new swimming levels!  I am a proud mommy!
He was volunteering for a snack!

He did not want to stand still for this pic...they were handing out snacks.
A litte better.  He had food and his sweet friend!
Luke has now been promoted to a class without me!  The first couple of days were a bit rough, and he screamed.  He is doing much better now.
Logan is in a freestyle and side-breathing class! 
Logan NOT following directions...
...Luke NOT following directions.  At least he is not screaming anymore! 


This past weekend, I joined Lyndon on one of his work trips!  We took a four day cruise to the Bahamas with some of his co-workers and customers.  It took a little coaxing to convince me to go only because I am not a fan of boats, sharks or large bodies of water, but I decided that four days would be a good amount of time, and I knew we would dock at least two of those days and be on land.  So, I sucked it up and got on the boat.  It was actually a really great experience except for sleeping.  I did not sleep the first two nights at all.  I kept hearing this really loud noise that sounded like a chain being drug under the ship, and of course the rocking took a bit to get used to.  I got out of bed several times to look out and make sure we were not under water and to make sure I knew where the life jackets were.  Luckily, we were right over the life boats, so that was reassuring!  Depsite the anxiety about sinking, I was really impressed with all of the stuff to do on the ship.  There was constant entertainment and the food was just insane.  I do not think I have ever eaten as much in a month as I did on this cruise in four days.  Every meal was at least 4 courses, and then, they offered buffets on other decks.  At least they had a full workout facility and spa to ease your mind about how much you ate, and there was a lot of walking for being on a boat!  I was also really impressed with all of the shows.  They had comedy shows, dancing and singing, severl rounds of quiz shows, a Love an Marriage show, "Scaryokie," in which everyone who had a couple of adult beverages thought they could sing (they couldn't, by the way), themed dance parties every night, basketball and a rock climbing wall!  Plenty to do on top of the fact that we docked at two different islands during the day.  Overall, it was a great experience.  Maybe next time, I will go for a week long cruise!

On the very top of the ship.  The wind was harsh!

The 70's Dance party!

Different levels of the boat.

View from our room!

We anchored off the island of Coco Cay and took a smaller boat over!  The wind was crazy all four days!

The life boat under our room! 

The water was amazing!

I talked Lyndon into doing Yoga the first day!  This was some pre-yoga stretching!

Coco Cay

I could not believe the children's program on the ship!  Our boys would have loved it.  This is pre-show entertainment with the kiddos.  This night was Pirate Night, and they sang a song and marched all over the ship with their bandanas and eye patches.  Very cute! The little boy on the right stole the show.  He was determined to stay on stage and sing the entire song despite the fact that he really had to go pee!  Several times, the children's director offered to take him.  He refused, and instead, held himself with both fists!  We are guessing he was taken to the restroom after exiting the theater! 

Our towel monkey hanging from the ceiling in our room!

More incredible water!

One of the many buffets!

80's Dance Party by the pool.  The ship was rocking so badly this night that they kept having to mop up water from the pool that was coming over the side!

The Bahamas!

The biggest outdoor market I have ever seen.  If you wanted to buy it, they had it!

One of the many beautiful churches on the island.  We wanted to go in, but it was Sunday, and they were having service.

We loved the beautiful colored buildings all over the island.  It was very clean and well kept, and the islanders were very friendly! This was on the side of the pirate museum we tried to tour, but it was closed by the time we got there. 

One of the anchors.  It is difficult to see how big it is from this picture, but it was huge.  I am still in awe that something that big and heavy floats!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Birthday Party!!!

This saturday was the boys birthday party!  This year, we also included a sweet friend of the boys to have a joint party as they all have birthdays around the same time.  The party was halloween themed hence the decortations and costumes!  We really wanted to take advantage of the incredible weather and our great backyard, so we had apple bobbing, a pinata, crafts, BBQ, hot dogs and, of course, CAKE! 

Beethoven was pumped about his costume this year!
Our own Headless Horseman...minus the horse!
Our pinata.  This was the toughest pinata I have ever seen.  It took the kids several tries to break it open!
The spooky cemetery!
We turned out shed into the craft room.  They got to decorate pumpkins and make halloween finger puppets!
Bean Bag Toss!
Lyndon showing them how it is done!!!
This is a very sanitary party activity!!!
He totally cheated!
This party goer was very determined!!!
Still trying!
Our party girl has an arm on her!  Notice Lyndon trying to get out of the way!
Collecting candy!
Some of the wild and crazy party people!
Let me just say that our friend's 12-year-old son made all three cakes.  He is amazing!  He made three different cakes from scratch.  They were very cute and tasted great! Luke had Spider Man...
...Logan had Diego...
...and the party girl had dinosaurs! 
And still working!
Some of the kids' crafty pumpkins!
Patiently waiting to cut the cake!
One of our precious party-goers!  She was the cutest pirate I have ever seen!