Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Logan's Top 25!

We celebrated Logan's 9th birthday on November 10, and per our tradition, here is his top 25!  Enjoy:-)

1) Logan currently weighs 83 pounds, stands 4'9" and wears a size 9 shoe...
2) Logan's favorite sport is football. He would do anything to play tackle, but this mama isn't remotely ready for that.
3) He is, however, playing flag football and loves it. Not to brag or anything, but he really shines on the football field.  He has speed, coordination and agility all of which must have come from Lyndon!
4) Logan's favorite movie is Hunger Games, though I think he is a bit young for it:-(
5) Logan's newest interest is cooking!  I love that he is into this, but I am very sorry that I suck at it and am limited in what I can show him.  I may need to invest in classes for him.
6) He also really enjoys fishing, skateboarding, playing football with friends and swimming.
7) Logan's favorite meal is grilled chicken with broccoli and buttered pasta.
8) His least favorite thing to eat is cauliflower.
9) Logan's best buddies in our new neighborhood are Luke and Gabe, but he still very much misses Jake, Jett and Carter.
10) Logan's favorite TV show is anything with Gordan Ramsey, but in particular, Master Chef Junior.
11) Logan's favorite subject in school is science.
12) Logan still has a huge heart and wants to save any animal we come across.  I love this about him, and I hope he always takes care of creatures!
13) His favorite colors are hot pink and green.
14) He is coming into his own style which includes long Nike socks with anything he wears.
15) His favorite book is still Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  He has read them all and is now rereading them all.
16) He wants to make a lot of money when he grows up so he can buy an expensive car.  I have strongly encouraged this, but we need to work on his concept of what a lot of money looks like.
17) He still loves to collect Pokemon cards.
18) His favorite game on the Xbox is Madden.
19) His favorite game that does not involve electronics is the classic, Twister.
20) He loves his little brother most days and would do anything to protect him from others.  On other days, he loves to torment Luke for his own satisfaction.
21) His current hairstyle is surfer, just rolled out of bed, I don't have a hairbrush-style.
22) Logan has always been and continues to be my hugger!  He still lets me kiss on him even in public, even as he gets ready to walk across the busy street to school.  I hope he always lets me love on him.
23) Logan has a maturity about him that is very unusual for his age.  He can carry on conversations with adults and really wants to be a grown-up most days.  While I am grateful he can be helpful, show true leadership and come to the aid of others, it bothers me that he wants to grow up so fast.  I really try to reign him in on this.  He is 9, and I want him to be 9.  I love when he decides to sit in the middle of the floor and put Legos together or take his fishing pole to the pond to fish with friends.  Most days he shows up covered in filth, and I could not be happier!
24) Logan still loves to dance, sing and listen to any kind of music.
25) Logan has a big year in front of him as he approaches the double digits.  While I could not be happier to have a happy, healthy child, my heart breaks daily as I watch him become more and more independent.  I catch myself trying to make plans for him to stay home after school just so we can hang out.  I know as he gets older, my time with him will get shorter and shorter, as it should.  But, I can't help but feel lonely for him sometimes.  For a short 22 months, it was Logan that was my constant companion when Lyndon was working and before Luke came along.  I cherished each and every day, but somehow it wasn't enough.  I have to remind myself that this is the natural order of things, and that one day, he will have a family of his own.  I have to enjoy my time with him now and pray that I what I am doing is enough to carry him onward and upward.

I could not be more proud of you, Buddy!  Remember that we will always love you and will be there to cheer you on:-)