Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The little things!

Sometimes pulling up your pants is just not a priority...

Oh Christmas Tree!


I think we need a few more ornaments!


This year, we had a very quiet and small Thanksgiving right here in Charlotte!  It was just the four of us, and I still managed to fix way too much food.  Well, I thought  I fixed too much, but it turns out that I have been starving Lyndon for the past couple of weeks, so he pretty much ate everything!  We also decided to dress the table and actually light candles in an effort to have a bit of formality with the boys.  This included letting the boys use "real" plates rather than plastic ones.  As we sat down, Bubba threw a fit for his standard, plastic plate. I guess I have them pretty well trained!  We also took the boys to Lowe's Motor Speedway.  They had a really nice Christmas light display and lots of activities for the kids and Santa! 
One of the many request for dinner!

Can you see my ghosts behind the curtain?

We had dinner at the restaurant at the track.  This was the view!

The "baked" village!

Tunnel of lights leading to the display.

One one side of the track, they had an entire display synchronized to music.  I was mesmerized and could have watched it all night!

They donated hundreds of car kits and let all of the kids build their own wooden cars.

My favorite part was the letters to Santa.  They had these cute cards for the kids.

They could write their wish list on the back.  Logan's is above.

Then, they had the cutest mail center for the kids to mail their letter to Santa!

They also had a petting zoo with some of the most aggressive animals I have ever seen! They nearly broke their necks to get to food, and none of them really needed it!

Huge turkeys!

Train ride!

A few carnival rides!

Maybe next year, Lyndon and I won't have to be in the picture with Santa!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Race car country...

I never realized until we moved here that Charlotte is the mecca for racing cars. For those of you who are into Nascar, please forgive me, but I am just not into car races or really any sports for that matter.  I suppose I am going to have to become interested very quickly with two boys.  So, this past weekend, we took a drive about 2 hours north of Charlotte to watch someone from Lyndon's office compete in dirt-track racing.  I am sure I am not going to use all of the proper terminology, so I will let the pictures do most of the talking.  Minus the dirt that flew up everywhere, it was fun to watch and see the different cars.  I was amazed at the work these people put into their cars knowing that it is very possible the cars won't survive the race. But, they all seemed to have a blast, and the boys (well two of them anyway) loved it!
I can see this in my future.

The black and green car (14) is our guy!

It was extremely loud, and they suggested that we bring ear plugs for everyone. 

 So, it amazes me that Bubba slept through almost all of it! I will say that he had a dose of Benedryl.  He has had a little cold.

After he woke up, Logan tried to explain some stuff to him.  He lasted about 2 seconds before he realized he could run around and climb the steps.  Even after a two hour nap, he still was not into it.  I thought that was weird considering he loves Hot Wheels and the movie Cars.

 Lyndon grew up in Indianapolis and around the 500, so he at least could fill me in on some of the rules and info about the cars and such!
We actually had to leave before we watched our friend race, but we did get the chance to see him qualify. He did a lap in 19 seconds...very impressive!