Wednesday, March 23, 2011

St. Patrick's Parade and promotions!

This past weekend, Luke continued his search for Leprechauns at the  Charlotte Irish Festival!

Patiently waiting for the parade!

Only at the Irish Festival can you see a giant Guinness as the mascot!

I love the intense looks as they watch the parade!

And, who knew that Storm Troopers originated in Ireland!

They are difficult to see in the picture, but they brought out the Clydesdale's!

Our sweet friend! She dances in an Irish dance troop! 



Jackpot (no pun intended)!
 A Leprechaun sighting!

In other news, Luke was promoted to the next level in swim class!  We are very proud of him and celebrated with a little ice cream after dinner last night!  Great job Luke!


  1. Congratulations Luke! You make Nana proud.
    Love you,

  2. Was the parade in Down town? Love the pic of Logan and his friend!
