Sunday, October 12, 2014

Luke Turns 7!

Yep, I am behind on posts as usual!  It seems like we are having a more difficult time getting organized and settled this time around.  I can't seem to get on top of things, but more about that later.  For now, here is Luke's top 25!

1) I still call Luke "Bubba," but he now hates it and begs for me to stop; however, it is my privilege as his mother.
2) Luke now weighs 50 pounds and stands at 4 foot 2 and 1/2 inches.
3) He still has those huge brown eyes.  While they aren't as good at keeping him out of trouble as they used to be, they still melt my heart when I look at them.
4) Luke is now in 1st grade and doing very well.  He likes school, especially math. I am grateful he has that skill set from his father!
5) Luke still loves the color blue.
6) He is still playing soccer, though it comes with new challenges down here like a much larger playing field and ridiculous heat.  He struggles to make it through a game and sometimes chooses to sit on the field, but he swears he still loves it.
7) He has made some new friends since moving here.  S, notably is his bestie here, though, he still misses Trent from back home.
8) He has discovered reading this year and really loves it.
9) He is still my sugar kid and will never turn down sweets.
10) He has, however, started eating a few more greens with the prompting of us and the doctor:-)
11) Luke is proving to be quite creative especially with building Legos.  He is smart and creative, a dangerous combo!
12) He has a huge collection of Pokemon trading cards.
13) His favorite toy is Big Boots and Legos.
14) His favorite movie is STILL anything with Scooby Doo.
15) His favorite TV show is "Pokemon."
16) His favorite sweet treat is chocolate ice cream.  When he eats it, he closes his eyes like it is just him and the ice cream.
17) His favorite non-sweet treat is weirdly salmon and gnocchi.
18) His favorite things to do with his free time are play games on the IPad or Xbox, play with S or swim.
19) His least favorite thing to do is clean his room or take a shower.
20) Luke loves to be hugged and loved on, but it has to be on his terms.  If he isn't in the mood, don't push it!
21) He HATES kisses no matter who or what the circumstance.
22) He has decided that he wants to be all of the following when he grows up, mostly in this order: a billionaire with his own mansion (I get to live there, but Lyndon will have to find other arrangements), a firefighter, a police officer, an animal rescuer and a builder.
23) He is not and will never be a follower.
24) He tolerates his big brother on his good days. By tolerate I mean he is ok with the fact that Logan exists as long as he stays out of his way.  Other days, he would like to trade him in.
25) Luke has, and I pray, will always step to the beat of his own drum.  He is unique and doesn't mind being just who he is.  I love this about him and hope he never lets people's opinions get to him.  I am proud of him and love him for his bullheadedness even if sometimes it pushes me to the edge!

We love you Luke, and hope that this next year brings even more exciting opportunities for you to explore!

Number 12 on the move!

One of my favs.  He still has such a sweet face!

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