Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Luke's Top 25!

It is that time of year again, well it was two weeks ago, but better late than never! Here, for your enjoyment, is Luke's top 25.

1) Luke is now the big 8!
2) He officially hates being called Bubba, but we do have the right as we are his parents.
3) Luke is in 2nd Grade and loves it.
4) He is very good at math, something he must have gotten from Lyndon!
5) He loves reading, something he got from both of us.
6) He really dislikes writing, though.
7) He is a hoarder especially of anything paper including books, paper menus, receipts and money.
8) His favorite food is gnocchi with pesto.
9) Luke's least favorite food is STILL anything green with the exception of green beans and pesto.
10) His favorite candy is anything sour.
11) Luke loves Halo and Minecraft.
12) He loves his cross country team at the school and can't wait for it to start up for the season.
13) He is not a morning person despite the fact that he still wakes up at 6:30 even on the weekends.
14) Luke's favorite color is still blue, and he insist on the blue plate with blue cup and blue straws.
15) Luke loves the TV show The Middle. 
16) He also loves Maroon 5 and even opted for a haircut similar to Adam Levine's.
17) His favorite thing to do outside is jump ramps on his bike with this friends.
18) His best friend is still the one and only Trent, but he has a few close friends here that he loves.
19) His favorite toy is still his collection of Big Boots.
20) His favorite book is actually a series, The Weird School.
21) Luke has a wonderful sense of humor and is very witty. He can really deliver the one-liners!
22) Luke has officially become embarrassed of us. He will only give short hugs and no kisses in public.
23) At home, however, he very much wants to cuddle and be loved on.
24) His favorite sports team is the Caroline Panthers...we are working on this.
25) Luke has been and still is full of surprises. His little personality is one of the funniest and most interesting, perplexing, and sincere I have ever been around. I really hope the world does not step in to change him. He has always gone his own way, one of my favorite things about him, and I am excited to see what the future holds for this guy!

We love you endlessly, Luke! Please don't ever change:-)

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