Friday, February 10, 2012

Class Valentines!!

Here are the boys' Valentines for school!  Luke's was Pinterest inspired.  I thought it was a really cute idea. We still need to add the "to"/"from" tag, but you get the idea.  I just cut out capes from felt I already had, bought some superhero confetti at Party City and secured the lollipops with ribbon.  The original ones I saw on Pinterest had logos available for printing off the computer, but I did not want to use all of my printer ink.  I know the other ones are not really considered their actual logos, but no one will really notice except you "Big Bang" nerds out there.  I will say that I need to brush up on my superheroes.  I could not tell you who the blue-cape guy is.  He just matched, so we went with it!

Logan originally wanted to do Friendship bracelets Valentines we found on Pinterest. I searched for about three hours for some that were already put together, and had no luck. I almost bought a DIY kit, but it was going to be way too complicated for him to pull off in just a few days. So, I found some cute tattoos, and came up with plan B. He is happy with it, so that is all that matters!! I love how the picture looks, but I would have done something different with the heart and tattoos if I could do it again.  I just used my picture program to make it black and white.  Then I used Paint to add the black bottom and the heart.  I thought the tattoos would fit next to the heart, but they turned out to be too big.  We will use that space to label them for friends. 


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