Lyndon and I have been trying to make sure that we say a family prayer when we sit down together for a meal. Logan has been all over this and is usually the first one to volunteer his sweet words of thanks. However, Bubba jumped in tonight and said a precious prayer which included just about everyone we know by name including the pets (the fish, too) and friends. After he concluded, Logan wanted to say a prayer too. His also included just about everyone we know. My favorite part of the prayer was the conclusion:
"Thank you God for all of this food and our home...Oh my gosh! Thanks, God, for everything!"
I have always thought of prayer as a very personal thing and a true conversation with God. So, I felt terrible when I actually started to laugh, but I just could not help myself. I kissed him and hugged him and told him it was a beautiful prayer which was the absolute truth. It was a sincere, heartfelt prayer of appreciation for all that we have, and I could not be more proud that the boys are understanding that He is responsible for all of our blessings!
You are such a good mom. It inspires me.