The idea is that you use recycled materials to make a purse or shoe or wallet. Luke wanted a kitty, so we make a kitty bag.
Logan created his own boat. I am not sure it would float, but it is an interesting design!
Last night, I went to the grocery store. As we all know, I "love" to grocery shop. But, I decided to go this time instead of Lyndon because I wanted to try and shop for the month minus the fresh ingredients I would need weekly for meals. I was pretty excited that I got all the meat, spices, oils plus toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste, my girl products, soap etc. for the entire month for about $365 thanks to the Grocery Game (the idea is to shop in bulk when stuff is at its lowest price, so I made a haul on some stuff). Now, I will have to make a quick trip at the start of the week for milk, and my fresh veggies and fruits. I am going to try and keep that under $ 40 each week. That makes breakfast, lunch and dinner for 31 days for around $500 for all four of us! That is a huge improvement over $150 to $200 a week. I will keep you updated on how this works out!
I want to go to Discovery Place! I will have to check out the grocery game...sounds interesting.