Thursday, January 13, 2011

Homeschool Group II!

We hosted our homeschool group this week.  We talked about Switzerland because we have a friend who just moved to Zurich, so I figured the boys would enjoy learning about their new country!  We talked about all things Switzerland including the food which has become a theme with our geography lessons.  We melted cheese and chocolate and had an array of goodies for dipping! We also colored the Swiss flag for our book of flags!

This little guy was really into the chocolate!

Fun facts about Switzerland:

The capital is Bern
The Swiss guard protects the Vatican and the Pope.
There are about 400,000 people living in Swizterland.
They are known for their really good chocolate and cheese dishes!
On average, a person living in Switzerland will consume about 23 lbs. of chocolate in a year!
The Red Cross was started in Switzerland in 1859 by Henry Dunant after witnessing a tragic battle in which many lay dying or injured.  The symbol for the Red Cross is the Swiss flag with inverted colors!
The Swiss also make very beautiful and very expensive watches.
Switzerland is a neutral country and has a democracy in which the people get to vote on issues within their cantons (region).
The book Heidi was written by a Swiss author, Johanna Spyri.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to come to your homeschool group! It sounds like so much fun!
