Monday, December 6, 2010

6 of 25!

The activity on the list for today was shopping for Daddy! We had to a venture to a couple of stores to purchase the items that we hope he will like for Christmas.  Since we can't post pictures of the items, I decided to post pictures of the cute bath robes I found for the boys instead. Every morning, the boys have been running from their beds to the fireplace to get warm, so I thought I would make their trip to the living room a little warmer with the robes!

 Let me start by saying that it is really cold here.  I mean, this is a different kind of cold from what I am used to.  It finally reached 35 degrees today, and the wind was a bit harsh.  I know it got that cold in Little Rock and Texas from time to time, but it just feels different here. We quickly decided that the boys were going to need full blown winter gear including puffy coats, hats, scarves and gloves.  Obviously, they did have coats and hats in our previous states, but they did not have to be that heavy and scarves and gloves were usually optional.  Here, they are needed all day long! My goals today, besides our special activity, was to find winter weather gear for the boys.  Thanks to Target, and The Children's Place, we are ready to head to least while it all fits them! Warm wishes to all!

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, Logan looks huge in this picture! Luke always looks like Dash from the Incredibles!
    Shawn just landed in Charlotte, I hope he brought his jacket! I hope you guys get to see him, I know he wants to be able to come to the house one of those days.
