Wednesday, December 22, 2010

22 of 25!

Another busy day indoors! Logan is coming around, but still not 100%, so one more day at home.  We kept busy by getting some dressing made for Christmas dinner, doing some crafts and delivering our homemade goodies to the neighbors once it warmed up! I mentioned in a previous post that I really wanted to try the bottle cap necklaces from a friend's blog.  But, I have had no luck finding the supplies.  I have been to the two biggest craft stores known to man, and nothing.  So, I found an alternative that kind of worked, but I think I am going to try and order the other stuff online.  The boys still had fun and made a huge mess which is what really matters!

My great-grandmother's dressing!  I am sure it is not nearly as good, but I was excited to make if for the first time!

I found some flat silver discs in the jewelry section of the craft store.  They are big enough for small stickers or cute cut outs.

The glue was a bit runny!

I think they will make cute charms for some of the boys' "girlfriends"!

We also worked on these cute Christmas trees. I found this craft in my Better Homes and Gardens magazine.  They are pretty easy to make.

Just cut out three different sized circles,

and fold four times each to create a pleated circle. Then, cut a tiny piece off the very top to create a hole.
Slide them onto a skewer and glue them into place (sorry for the lack of pics. I must have been distracted).  I used super glue so it would dry quickly.  I am sure hot glue would work well too.  I had to cut the skewer because it was way too long, but I left enough at the top to add the stickers.  You can glue a design of your own on the top.  I found the cute foam stickers at Michael's.

I found the cute Christmas paper at Michael's also!

We added our trees to my already-crazy dinner table!

I thought these were really cute.  Lyndon found them at Pier 1!

I was going for wild and colorful this year!

It was finally warm enough to go outside this afternoon! Since my poor boy has not been able to leave the house to do play dates or go where other humans are, I felt like he earned some outside time!  Quite frankly, he really looks sad.  He is pale and he has "shiners" on his eyes that make them look like he has been punched (that is what the nurse said when I took him in)! I was worried that the neighbors might take one look at him and give the treats back, but everyone was very sweet and grateful.

Bubba was not interested in taking off his helmet.  He will always remind me of the kid on Parenthood (the one with Steve Martin from the 80's) that wore the bucket on his head!  That bucket served him well as does Bubba's helmet!

Last but not least, meet our two new additions (if we can keep them alive)! This is Goldie II and Sharky II. They are the second round of fish in a couple of weeks. The first two did not even make it 12 hours, so we snapped a pic of these as soon as we got them into the tank...just in case! Not really sure what happened with the first two, but I am hoping these make it at least a day or two! The boys named them respectively.  Luke truly thinks his is a shark!

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