It is that time of year again!! Christmas is right around the corner, and this is the first year since the boys were born that I have it all under control!! Yep, I have shopping done, pictures done, cards in the mail and everything wrapped. This can mean only one thing...I have forgotten something:-( I am sure I will figure that out Christmas day. For the meantime, I am enjoying my bliss! Here are some recent pics. The boys got to visit Santa. Santa was really serious with them this year and spent a lot of time lecturing them. I would love to tell you that after their visit the boys have been perfect angels. Unfortunately, about the only positive thing at this point is that there has not been any blood. Oh well! Maybe we will make it through the holidays without an emergency room visit. Merry Christmas to me!

This one needs a frame. I would love to know what this conversation was about. I asked Luke, and he said he was discussing his desire for a puppy...because the dog and two cats that we have aren't enough.
At one point, Logan started to walk away thinking his visit was done. Santa told him he wasn't through! Maybe he took one look at the bags under my eyes and Lyndon's bald head and gray beard and decided we needed the extra help.
Logan was very serious about his list.
Here is to Christmas bliss!