Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter 2013!

I am a few days behind on Easter pics, but here they are!!

Yes, I attempted to make dye out of natural ingredients this year!  No, it didn't work very well, but I really think that if the boys had left them alone to soak, it would have been fine.  They were just too excited.  I ended up using just a drop of food coloring to enhance the color, but I was pretty impressed with the idea of using stuff from the kitchen!

The letter from the Easter Bunny...a little dramatic, but the boys insisted on writing a letter the night before to the Easter Bunny asking for goodies.  I tried to explain that the Easter Bunny doesn't work like Santa.  They weren't buying it.  I think they forgot all about their request when they got high on sugar!

We made Logan count to 20 after the egg hunt started to give the younger folks a chance to get a few before he joined in.  It is kind of a "no mercy" egg hunt with these guys! 
This guy wanted no part of the group pic.  He was really focused on the two eggs he got before the
race started. 
I have a feeling that he will dominate the hunt next year!


The race to eat every last drop of candy begins! I thought we put money in the majority of the eggs, but they still managed to find a lot of candy.  That I know of, no one puked, so I consider that a win!
I hope your Easter was a blessed one! 

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