Ok, I am a little behind on this...no Mother-of-the-Year award for me:-( It has been a little crazy around, but here they are, Logan's 25!
1) Logan now stands at about 56 inches and weighs in at 73 pounds. He is now wearing a size 7 shoe...to get a visual of this, I can now wear his shirts and shoes comfortably.
My mom sent this cartoon to me last year!
2) Logan has decided he wants to grow out his hair so he can swing it to the side. As you can see from the above pic, it is in that "awkward" phase.
3) His sport of choice now is still flag football. Yes, I am a bit biased, but he is pretty darn good:-)
4) Logan's favorite food is pretty much anything. This includes broccoli. About the only thing he won't eat is a hot dog, but if that is the only choice, he will have two or three.
5) His favorite movie is
Air Buds.
6) His favorite color is, wait for it, PINK. That is not a typo. They recently had Pink day at school in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. So, I got him shoelaces, a hat and socks so he could participate. He loves them!
7) Logan will still talk to anyone about anything.
8) He loves to read, but he absolutely hates to take AR tests. Personally, I don't blame him. He is a good reader, and the tests ruin the fun.
9) His favorite sports team is the Panthers.
10) His favorite song is "Thrift Shop."
11) His favorite TV show is "Lab Rats."
12) His favorite thing to do in his free time is anything outside including skateboarding, bikes, sports, running etc. He wants to be outside from sun up to sun down.
13) His least favorite thing to do is have his nails clipped...he still has to sing to himself and keep his eyes closed. He does not tolerate the IDEA of pain.
14) He is always trying to make me laugh, but the times I laugh at him the most are those times I catch him being his true self. He can be goofy which is one of the things I love most about him.
15) One of Logan's best and most infuriating qualities is his ability to find away around any problem. This includes when I tell him NO. He is the true definition of, "If you want it bad enough, you will find away." It has served him well and will continue to serve him well in the future. Right now, it gets him into a lot of trouble.
16) He will also make a fine lawyer or sales person one day. He will wear you out until he gets his way.
17) Logan is very social and has several really close friends including Jett, Jake, Noah, and Ben.
18) Despite his social calendar, he still asks me to lunch at school every week. When I see him at the school at any point, he never fails to hug me and let me kiss him. I realize this may come to an end at some point. Right now, I eat it up!
19) He loves school! I pray he always does:-)
20) His favorite video game is Minecraft.
21) He torments his brother but does not tolerate anyone else tormenting him.
22) He has a soft spot for animals.
23) He has decided that he wants to play professional football, work at a zoo and become a lawyer when he is older. I am ok with the latter two. The former we will have to talk about.
24) His hero is his daddy! He loves to do anything with Lyndon. I pray that is always the case.
25) Logan has a complex personality. He is big and strong for an 8 year old. He can argue about anything and believe it is true himself even when it is obviously not. He won't give up when he really wants something. However, he has a huge heart and will give up almost anything to make others happy. He will help anyone with any request even if it causes some issues. He just wants to be and do everything. I hope he always has that kind of passion in life!
We love you endlessly, Logan! You are one of a kind, and I am so happy I get to be here to see you grow.