This is the only picture I have of him upright.
I can't keep this bird feeder full!
In case you are wondering, this is a bird feeder I stole from Lyndon and put ribbon in it. I saw something on Pinterest (surprised?) that said the birds will use ribbon and yarn for their nest. I am pretty sure none of it has been touched at this point, but it is cute in theory!
Logan tried to capture the mountains from the moving car. I don't think it worked very well.
We took a trip to the mountains with Nana and Papa!
If you have never seen this place, make sure to put it on your to-do list (sorry the picture is so dark).
We also took in Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, TN! This is a really cute amusement park, and we were impressed with the rides and activities for the boys. We were there all day and still did not get to do everything! There are also a ton of shows to see.
I could not resist this pic! We were watching a group of performers sing a bunch of country songs. I could not tell if he was bored or really into it.
Upon our return from the mountains, we helped take care of this cutie!! He LOVES squeaky toys, fyi!
We also returned to this...a long story that ended in staples and bruising from another dog at the kennel. We will not be taking her there again, and luckily, the wounds healed without any issues. My heart broke for her, and it is not even worth the time to express how I feel about Club K-9! I think she was pretty embarrassed by the cone especially when her friend (see pic above) came over to hang out.
Happy September!!
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