Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Changing it up!

Lots of changes this week!
Luke graduated from his class at Little Otter Swim School! He could continue, but we decided to move on. He and Logan will be able to live in the water this summer while I do this...!

We also said a bitter-sweet good-bye :-(
The boys agreed that it was time to say bye to their swing set.  They have had it almost four years, and it has been well loved.  But, they have outgrown it and moved on to other things.
Now he wants Dad to build him a ramp.  Do you remember how my prayer for this year was no emergency room visits?  Stay tuned!

In the animal world:
Charlie is getting more and more comfortable! It would appear that she has a weight problem, but remember that the camera always adds weight.

While Charlie is thriving, sadly I must report that Dorthy (formerly known as Goldie) the Goldfish died a couple of weeks ago.  I secretly did the happy dance, but I put on my serious face as we did a toilet-side burial complete with prayer for a safe journey.  Logan was pretty bummed about it while Luke was obsessed with being the one to actually flush it. 
(Dorthy is on the right, Sharky bit the dust over the summer)
The most upsetting part of this experience is that I added a picture of this damn fish to the last batch of return address labels.  Now, I have 100 return labels with a fish that will have to be crossed out.  If you are trying to decide whether or not to obtain a fish for your child because it looks easy, take my word for it.  They are filthy!  The tank, though small, takes a lot of work.  And, I can't even tell you how bad they smell. I would suggest another pet for you, but honestly, they all take a lot of work!

And we can't forget this beauty!  Is it a good omen or bad omen to have some nesting close to your house?

 We are hoping to get a glimpse of some cute owlets at some point!   
Happy February 29th!!

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