Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day and telling on myself part II!

It is amazing that so much can happen over just a few days.  It has been a roller coaster of crazy and calm moments this weekend.  It ended on a sweet note, so I am not complaining, just stating the realities of life.  Lyndon says that I am not high maintenance as far as clothes or nails or hair, rather I am emotionally high maintenance.  I am not a fan of this title, but it has taken me sometime to recognize that perhaps I am.  There are people out there who thrive on daily stress and seem to come alive when there is a complication that needs fixing. My husband is one of those people.  He "shines" when a problem is presented because he has an incredible talent for taking the worst situations and making them come out in everyone's favor. To be clear, I am not one of those people. That kind of stuff stresses me out, and stress zaps me of energy, and I basically shut down.  This is where absent-minded me comes into play. I forget appointments, lose track of important papers, forget names, put eggs in the cabinets with the coffee cups and get from point A to point B before realizing I left everything I need neatly piled on top of the car.  When I get into this mode (and trust me, I recognize it before anyone else does) I really have to focus on tiny, yet uber-important details such as buckling in the kids, or turning off the coffee pot or locking the doors when leaving the house.  And, yes, I have turned the car around mulitple times during the same trip to check that I have done uber-important things or to retrieve items I need. The really fun part of all of this is that I have kids, so there is always something going on, always a stressful situation or a complication.  This means I spend a lot of time in this state of mind.

 Having said that, this weekend was a perfect example.  I was very excited on Friday because I had my carpets cleaned.  It is what I wanted for Mother's Day.  Don't judge me; I thrive on a clean house with stain-free carpet.  I had big plans for Saturday to get the furniture back in order and do some deep cleaning (cleaning actually relieves stress for me).  However, our AC went out upstairs Friday, and I woke up in the middle of the night sweating and miserable and could not go back to sleep.  This was the start of my downhill.  My plans to organzie and clean went down the tubes so we could focus on what to do with no AC. And, we have had to move beds downstairs adding to the insane chaos of my unorganized house.  A replacement is on the way, but we are looking at another night downstairs until it is installed. My brain is on overload seeing that I can't walk through my downstairs, so I have begun the shutdown process.  We did manage to work around the craziness with a nice dinner with friends and a very sweet Mother's Day.  The boys took me to brunch after church, went for a walk with me and made me a beautiful steak dinner last night. And, for the first night in three nights, the boys slept. My house is a wreck, and I have a week full of my usual plans plus the added fun of AC replacement. So, if you are out and about and see me driving down the street with the door open just wave and smile. Or you are having a conversation with me and I forget something important like your name, please do not be offended. I hope be be back on track in a few days!

I will leave you now with pictures from our weekend!
At the strawberry patch again, but we got rained out. No strawberries this day!

Team picture!

Soccer game (Logan scored two goals, not that I was keeping count)!

I gave Logan the camera to capture whatever he wanted while the men in my life fixed me a steak dinner!  There were a lot of pics of the grass and trees, but we did manage a few of Luke and Daddy!

We had a very nice Mother's Day dinner complete with stuffed potatoes, salad and steak!

Yes, the boys are sleeping in the t-shirts they wore that day.  After the crazy day we had, I was not willing to battle them on this.  Luke loves sleeping with his big brother.  I am not sure Logan feels the same...

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!

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