This is a huge rose bush in the backyard. The nest was cradled inside the branches, and I guess the birds broke off or bent some of the branches trying to get the nest set. I am going to give it a week or two and make sure no residents are there before I cut back the branches.
They love the drain pipes!
One in a dead tree that I have marked to take down. I am going to give it a couple of weeks before having the tree removed to I don't disturb any babies!
The owner of this nest is really aggressive. We have a slot for newspapers under our mailbox. Logan grabbed the paper the other day and said something was in the box. He pulled it out before I could get to him. Fortunately, there were no eggs in it. When I mentioned it to Lyndon that night, he said that he had already pulled out several nests and threw them away. I was horrified that he had done that. He said he thought the boys were putting stuff in there and did not realize they were nests. But, I guess it does not matter because they rebuild in record time apparently! I will leave it alone for a week or two and see what happens. I guess I will have to leave a note for the newspaper guy!
And, it is not just birds. We have two rabbit nests in the front yard. I watched one rabbit work really hard one day gathering stuff for her nest. It is under this small bush. There is another one in the island right in the middle of the yard. I covered it up with mulch not realizing what it was. The next day there was another hole in the same place. I am really hoping to have some pictures soon of baby birds and bunnies! We shall see!
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