It has been a long and miserable few days. I had to hand over my computer to the geeks on Saturday for some TLC. We have had this computer less than 5 months, and it was locking up on us and doing some weird stuff, so I finally took it in to have it seen about. It turns out that ITunes was the problem or so they think. Anyway, we have her back, and she is better than ever! Speaking of sick, let me just say that as far as my family is concerned, this is the worst sick season we have ever had. Logan finally recovered from his surgery only to have Luke come down with a nasty cough that kept him up for several nights, and then I caught the cold from hell. It just won't go away. I am not sure what is going on, but I am just frustrated about it all. The boys have never had as many issues as they have had this past six months, and I have had two really nasty colds in that time. They aren't even in school yet which makes me cringe to think what it will be like when they are around a ton of kids all day. We have never eaten more healthy than we have since we lived here, and I am giving them a vitamin everyday and making sure the house stays as clean as possible. I guess it is just one of those seasons. One of the more positive things is that Logan has been infection free since the surgery. He has had a ton of energy (which makes it really tough when I don't feel great), and he looks better than he has in awhile. I started to think that maybe the allergens around here were catching up to us. My doctor says that it can take up to a year for a new environment to start affecting your system. But, none of our issues, so far, have been about allergies. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we won't have too many issues with that. A couple of people have asked if they are still wearing their amber necklaces. I have insisted on it. Luke has not had an issue with his eczema since he put it on, and I still think that it is keeping some stuff under control. Knowing that Logan no longer has to take Nasonex makes it worth it. That is what caused the nose bleeds in the first place. At any rate, we are just trying to get through one day at a time until all of this passes and we can spend some time outside!
In other news, Lyndon and I get to spend time away together this weekend. This trip is a reward for Lyndon from the office for winning the Pace Setter award (just going to brag for a minute, but it is my blog, so I get to do that)! I originally was not planning to go because of the boys, but without knowing, my sweet husband made the arrangements so I could be there with him. I am very excited for him and proud of him. He has worked very hard this last year and spent a lot of precious time away from the boys which I know has been hard on him. I am grateful everyday for all of his hard work and appreciate all that he does for the boys and me (and does so without complaining...I could take some lessons)! Thank you Lyndon for your constant, selfless work at the office and at home. I love you, and I am very proud of you!
I am also going to post meals for this past week and the following week! Sorry for getting behind...
Feb. 26- March 11
26) Rose's Chicken casserole with corn and green beans
27) Beef stir fry
28) Bruschetta and raw veggies
1) Eggs Benedict and hash browns
2) Beef stroganoff with veggie salad
3) Homemade pizza
4) leftovers
5) Beef stew
6) Tex-Mex chicken and rice with black beans
7) Homemade hamburgers
8) Oriental chicken cashew
9) Shepard's pie
10) Baked potatoes and salad
11) leftovers/ out to eat!
Have a wonderful, healthy week!
Ok, when we moved to NC four years ago (wow-)! I was sick for the first year and a half. I am not kidding. It was so awful. The twins were almost 2 and Riley had strep 4 times the first winter we were here. I have to tell you, she has not had Strep once this season and I have only had one cold this winter as well. I really do believe the new allergens and stuff take awhile to get used to. I dont think you need to worry about school. I really think they are just like us, their bodies are getting used to a different environment. Once they start school they will continue to get stronger. Sure they will be sick like most kids are, but nothing like you are experiencing now. I promise.
ReplyDeleteSo, since we now both live in NC when are we going to meet up? I dont have a clue how long the drive is, but seriously we have to sieze this opportunity. We can walk to the local grocery store together just like those St Mickey days if you want to feel young again!!! Miss you