Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Awww spring!

I finally feel like I can take a deep breath! I was very excited about the fall and Christmas, but I have to say that I am really really pumped about spring this year!  We already have the start of some flowers coming up in the yard, and the weather is SOOO much better.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that the cold is over.  Spring always makes me want to organize and clean and open up the windows (which drives Lyndon nuts)! We have been in this house just over a year now, so it is time for the master list of to-dos around here (something else I do that drives Lyndon nuts)! I already have a start with painting the family room.  Now, I am looking at kitchen cabinets, the laundry room and perhaps taking out a wall, but that may have to wait! I will share that list once it is complete.

                                                         In the meantime, we are spending
                                                               our days updating hairdos...

...and do you remember this closet from a few weeks ago???

Here is the update!

I really wanted it to function as storage for art supplies but be a place for the boys can hang out.  I found the cabinet, ottomans and rug all at Target for about $100.  The ottomans are hollow which provided even more storage! I would still like to do more with the shelves.  They are organized, but they don't really appeal to me.  That will take a bit more time.  Cute organizing bins and such are expensive. But, I am happy with the start and feel like it is more user-friendly!

They boys have really enjoyed it!

In other news, I finally have a successful black-bean burger recipe!! One of the yummiest black bean burgers I have had was from Chili's (thanks to Melissa for introducing it to me)!  I actually found the recipe for it online http://www.kitchenlink.com/cookbooks/2006/141169709X_1.html.  Lyndon was really impressed and Logan liked it.  Luke would not touch it, but 3 out of 4 is not bad! It is a good alternative to burger nights or a great vegetarian meal!   

1 comment:

  1. I got a shout out on your blog!!!! And, oh my goodness.... Luke looks so much older with his hair cut! Super cute....enjoy those burgers.
