Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween and a Note on Birthdays!

Halloween this year was very the best one we have had with the kids yet!  I was amazed at how great a turn out we had in our neighborhood.  Not since I was growing up have we been in a place that went all out like they do here.  Almost every house in the area decorated or participated, and even the people who could not be home actually left giant bowls of candy out for the taking.  Very impressed! 
And this is about right!

Our neighbors were really into the scene this year!

We were really trying to go with the Star Wars theme.  Everyone was excited to participate except Bubba...not a surprise.  He wanted to be "dark" Spiderman and then refused to wear his mask.  So, we ended up with Darth Vader, Padme, Luke Skywalker and Dark Spiderman. 

We also had a very unhappy ballerina.  She was not ok with posing for pictures!

The Force is with these two!

The Force tried with these two but gave up!

A little pre-trick or treating light saber battle!

So, it was not quite dark enough, but the kids were bouncing off the walls to ring someone's doorbell! 

Cutest costume!

Great decorations!

The neighbors really got into the spirit!

This house totally would have won if it had been a contest.  They actually had synchronized lights with creepy halloween music!  I was amazed!

The home owner!

I should also say that I share my birthday with Halloween!  That's right, I was born on the day that everyone intentionally makes their houses and themselves look the worst they can!  I keep hoping that people will forget about my birthday, but I guess it is pretty easy to keep up with. I turned 34 this year which is not something I really wanted to celebrate, but the boys all made it special, nonetheless.  We finally found a really good Mexican food place here in town and ate there for dinner Saturday night which was pretty much all I wanted.  They also got me a very nice purse which is my only weakness! Thanks to all my boys for loving me so much and taking such good care of me!  I love you all and am grateful each day for all that I have!

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