To begin, lets just say that this has been one of the craziest consecutive 5 weeks I have had in a long time! I thought that I needed that vacation to Jamaica because I had been so crazed beforehand. However, I think that the Lord granted me that vacation to prepare me for the weeks that came after!
To review, just two days before our trip, both of the boys got got sick. I actually took Luke in because I was sure he had a sinus infection. Logan was a bit snotty too, so I just asked if the doc could look at him too just to make sure. Sure enough, Luke had some random virus and Logan was the one with the nasty sinus infection. So, meds for Logan and Luke's would just have to run its course! Lovely, considering my parents were on their way to stay with the boys for the next five days while we were away. Then we were off to Jamaica, actually a work trip for Lyndon, but a fun one at that. I now like to think of our return from our trip like being sucked through a worm hole back to reality. Mom and Dad left the following day, and back to laundry, cleaning and cooking!
A few days after our return, our good friends came for a visit. My heart broke for them as they just sold their house and have had a rough time finding a new home. In their nomadic state, they have been in a hotel for a week, our house for a week and then stayed with family for a little over a week all while flying all over the U.S. with a three year old and a one year old. I would have probably crawled under a rock and cried until it was all over. However, they just dealt with it and made the most out of traveling and visiting.
Only three short days after their departure, Logan, once again got sick. This time, he ran a fever and had tonsils the size of golf balls. I took him in to the doctor who sent us home with no diagnosis. So, we had to sit at home and wait out the fever. Convinced it was strep, the doctor did several test. She even sent one off to the lab thinking it just was not showing up on her in-office test. Mind you, I took him in on Wednesday, and the results were not going to be available until Friday. So, we had to find ways to entertain ourselves at home for a few days! We cancelled swim lessons, two playdates, and a ice cream party. And, did I mention that Lyndon was gone this week? To make it even more fun, I had scheduled our dog for her check-up complete with shots and teeth cleaning! Finally, Friday roles around, and wouldn't you know it, the strep test would not be available until the weekend, and now Luke was running a temprature! Lyndon returned late that Saturday to two sick kids, an angry dog and an extremely overwhelmed wife! The good news is that by Saturday afternoon, neither boy was running a temp, so we were at least on the right track. However, upon waking Saturday morning, I myself had an itchy and gooey eye. I really tried to ignore it, but by Monday, it was apparent that I would have to have it seen about. So, I made the appointment for Wednesday morning praying it at least was not Pink Eye!
By this time, both boys were well enough to resume our weekly routine of playdates and YMCA visits. Finally, back to normalcy. Wednesday morning at the doctor for me revealed an infection from the Lasik procedure I had six weeks prior and would be easy to clear up with drops. No Pink Eye (an answered prayer)!
My day then got really interesting. Upon our return home from that appointment, the boys hoped on their bikes and tricycles for a go around the cul-de-sac when Logan fell and hurt his leg! Now, let me emphasize that I am usually not much of a coddler for either of my boys. They have cuts, and bumps and bruises and bloody noses and I try not to make a fuss so as not to upset them. So, I had no doubt that it hurt when he fell, but I am not one to overreact. So, I carried him to the house, and our sweet neighbor ran to get ice and bandaged the ankle for him. I watched it closely for the next few hours and saw no swelling or discoloration, but he refused to stand on it! Still thinking he was being a bit dramatic, I had Lyndon come home early and try to get him to move it around. While he certainly cheered up, he still refused to stand on it. It swelled slightly, but I keep ice on it and gave him some pain meds. He did not complain about it hurting, he just would not walk. So, the next morning, I called the doc to have him seen about. Upon hearing about the fall and the lack of bruising and only slight swelling, the nurse called the Ortho immediatley. Now, I am starting to feel terrible for not taking him in the night before. So, off to the Ortho for some x-rays! I knew it was bad news when the x-ray tech took one picture and that was all she needed. The doctor showed me the pic, a nice, long fracture in his ankle that would require on of the most extreme casts I have ever seen on a kid! It would be in place for six to eight weeks, and no water allowed! I just want to emphasize here that it is May 28th, the beginning of summer. Logan has been taking swim lessons since February to prepare for the summer. He loves the water, so my heart is breaking for him as he is confined to dry land! He never fused or cried when they looked at him or put on the cast. He laughed and joked with the techs who were wonderful to him! I put him in the car to bring him home so worried about how he is going to handle the next two months. But, as it turns out, he has already suggested that we go to the pool so Bubba can swim and play while he hangs out on the lounger.
All in all, weeks like the last few remind me how reselient my children are and how much I need to relax. Even being confined to the house and missing out on playdates and time with friends, both boys played and were very creative finding things to occupy time in seclusion. Not surprising, they handled it so much better than me!!! I suppose this is one of the many lessons they will teach me as we spend the next few weeks working around Logan's new summer accessory! May you have a relxed and creative day!
Oh my . . . . . . What a time you've had . . . .still can't get any worse? . . . . fingers crossed and break a match!! Love Helen x