Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Night out with the boys!

We could not have picked a better neighborhood when we moved!  This area of Charlotte is beautiful and full of fun things to do with all of the boys.  On either side of our sub-division there is a cupcake store, four different ice cream shops (notice the chocolate all over Luke), great parks, many choices of kid-friendly eateries, a nice library, ponds where very plump ducks and geese wait patiently for food, and some great areas for the kids to run wild while we enjoy live music and wine! I love that at any time of the day, I can load up the boys and take them no more than a mile in any direction and find something for them to do outside and that cost little or no money!  I could not ask for more!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds perfect...especially the wine and live music :o) So...I am guessing you are not missing LR much...haha!
