So, I have finally decided to blog! I never really thought this was for me, but after seeing so many friends' blogs, I realized there is no better way to share our journey with friends and family! I also love the idea of creating something tailor made for my boys chronicling special events and everyday adventures! I named it All My Laundry because, well, I do a lot of laundry, and I think that I am a bit intense and dramatic at times, so I felt it fitting to fall into the Soap scene! However, I really want to keep this light-hearted and express my passion for my family rather than make this an outlet for my frustrations! I hope it inspires others to find the funny side of things and try not to take life (especially life with kids) so seriously! That has been the hardest lesson for me as a parent! God has given me two beautiful children to enjoy and teach. As it turns out, they are really teaching me quite a lot, and I am enjoying it!
You're my hero!!